Be the Change no. 9
“Your beliefs are your actions. What you say is just what you think.”
Embrace the Within.
Some days I am on an island over here, even in my own home. When the news comes on I hear the same things I’ve been hearing on repeat for the past few years. When folks talk about things they only have the most limited of options as their response to dealing with the world. A lot of the time I get the feeling that not many folks are changing. There is a lot of dedication to the rut.
So, when folks come up to me and talk about my garden lifestyle or my eating choices or my fitness routine, I am more than happy to talk your ear off. I really enjoy the limited amount of time I have outside right now. It allows me to compact my chores into the few hours I have after coming home from work and helping the kids with homework. I enjoy everything BUT the cold temperatures that make everything more difficult. I could do without frozen water bottles to defrost BUT it’s just a short window for that around here and that time is closing down.
So, I do enjoy the conversations about what I am doing, however, I would love to have more conversations about what you are doing as well. I am doing this change for myself first. BUT I also want to see change in my community which means more folks are going to have to see the benefits. And that means spreading the good word. That can be just by simply living a better life. BUT you choose your level of involvement with change because you have to live your life the way you see fit.
I don’t do force around here. Everyone is free to make their own choices because good ideas never require force. I am not asking companies to cancel someone’s podcast. I am not asking government to send folks looking for your papers. I am not asking for you to do anything to body or your mind you don’t want to do. I am just here as an example over the next month of what dedication to a routine of getting healthy can achieve. This month I am doing sit-ups, push-ups, and planks for three different causes. If you would care to donate to those causes because they are important to you, that’s great. If you don’t that is great too. BUT as I update you on my challenge to change this month, I would love to here from you as well about your change. So, you can reach out through this site, Facebook, Twitter, email, text message, and let me know what you’re doing to change.
I could never imagine when I first hit the floor what seems like forever ago and struggled with the easiest of routines that today I would be in three physical challenges. So, if I can make the change then the possibility lies within each of us. Maybe you can’t do a push-up, maybe you can’t do a sit-up, maybe you can’t do a plank, BUT you can start changing how you eat, you can start walking, you can start typing, you can find something to change. And making those changes are not pointless. Those changes make all the difference in your life. Those changes allow you to build a healthier life. Those changes allow you to embrace what is within you waiting to get free. Let me know about your change so we can motivate each other to change together?
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