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Personal Meditation no. 216

“Don’t lose your saltiness.”

Be the Change.

Being salty is tossed around in the vernacular these days. Folks like to equivocate saltiness with bitterness and jealousy and anger. BUT salt was once a valued commodity. It wasn’t a part of the diet of most folks. It wasn’t a source of evil. It wasn’t prevalent.

I get strange looks when I tell folks that I drink a gallon of salt water a day because they believe that I should be dead. I assure them that since I have been drinking salt water for over two years, I am quite sure it isn’t as dangerous as they believe. And that is because folks simply don’t understand that when you strip away a lot of the sugar from things they eat and drink, and there is a lot of syrup and fructose and sucrose to strip away from a western diet, the other additive that remains is some sort of preservative. And rather than using a preservative that was created in a laboratory with a seven syllable name that is hardly pronounceable, I tend to recommend using something natural like salt. Real salt is important for getting electricity to flow in your body. Like Brawndo, it’s all about the electrolytes.

BUT before salt became such a common and ordinary thing, it was important for preserving foods. If you have ever had an old ham in St. Mary’s County, you will understand the great process it takes to get that saltiness out of a cured ham that has been hanging for years. Salt is also one of those main taste centers that our brain craves. We love the salt and sweet and savory connection and companies work on hitting the right combinations of marketing those flavors to our pleasure centers in the brain. And we live in an over-salted society.

As a child of the 1980s, I remember a concerted war against table salt and salt in home kitchens. Salt was the enemy. And we have generations of folks that have abandoned home cooking, natural ingredients, and real foods for things created in a lab. We have a society that has faith that science is better than nature. I always thought that the purpose of science was to understand and help nature. BUT science has gone off the rails. And now we are living in an age where plastic is becoming part of our body BUT nature, salt, and God are the enemies?

Bless your heart. Have the day you want. I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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