Personal Meditation no. 214
“Hurt people hurt people.”
Be the Change.
Today is all about change. Today my oldest daughter graduates from high school. And a mere thirty years ago I did the exact same thing. That is how quick things change. Does it feel like thirty years? Does it feel like eighteen years since she was born? Does it?
Of course not. There is a lot of change out there that gets you emotional. I can sit here full of emotion about today. And I get to choose whether that emotion is loss or hope. I get to choose to be positive about the change or negative about the change. BUT what I don’t get to do is stop the change.
Change can really hurt people. Folks get really committed to their life being one way and then life throws them a change. Their health might change, their status might change, their income might change, their family might change, and rather than embrace the change and incorporate the change into your life, folks will fight the change. Because sometimes change really hurts badly.
Folks can see change as unfair and unjust. They ask, “Why is this change happening to me?” They question God for the change. They turn their back on God because they feel that this unfairness and injustice is too painful, too much. BUT they are not looking for justice. Folks are looking for vengeance. This world is a ball of emotion wanting vengeance and their pound of flesh. Justice is God’s realm and vengeance is the realm of sin and death.
Broken people are out there choosing violence every day. They are out there looking for revenge for the wrongs they feel. They are tied down to the temporal and the fleeting time of life. Thirty years ago I was walking across that stage with a plan. And thirty years later I will watch my daughter walk across a stage with a plan as well. And she, very much like me thirty years ago, thinks that plan is going to all fall into place. And that is the comedy or the tragedy of life to embrace. And that is the choice we all get to make.
Taking our plan too seriously, putting too much faith in ourselves, and failing to enjoy the beauty of this time here are some of our greatest obstacles to joy. These things lead folks to feeling hurt and being broken. When they can be healed and whole.
That is a choice we all get to make when life changes. Sometimes the changes are large and sometimes the changes are small BUT we get to choose whether we let them hurt or if we let them heal.
Bless your heart. Have the day you want. I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.
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