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Be the Change no. 39

“Saying you mirror your actions on the way another person treats you is to give others power over your actions. Which is to say you are enslaved to the actions of others. Why not be free?”

Be the Change.

We are still talking about this idea because it needs to be retaught because men are saying hurtful things and other men are slapping them, or worse, over their words. This society has a problem in justifying violence and it is easy to see why that is so. We are surrounded by violence despite being taught that we should treat others the way we want to be treated. We are a society of victims that are made to believe our victimhood gives us power. We are a society that craves attention for all the reasons. And only you and I can change that fact.

We have to change for the world to be able to change. Politics is downstream of culture. Culture only changes through choice. And choice only rests within the control of the individual. We have to choose humanity. We have to choose peace. We have to choose compassion. We have to choose a better way. And we are not going to find it looking to the current folks in elevated states of worship. We aren’t going to find that better way following the same false prophets. We aren’t going to find that better way by clinging to the same systems that created this situation.

We need to change our mind to change our future. And we need that mind to focus on something greater than us. Because we will always be fallible. We will always fall short. We will always disappoint. And that is the problem with the temporal. That is the problem with looking to one another for leaders. We have to look inside ourselves and become the leader that transcends this time, this situation, this place. We aren’t going to get there through social media, through television media, through political systems, through anything that is made of man and temporal. We just can’t get there that way. It is impossible to rely on celebrity, on officials, on bureaucrats, on powers, on systems, to liberate us and make us change.

We have to choose the better way. There is no better way than aligning yourself with the only thing that can bring you change. The thing inside each of us that yearns for something more. The thing inside us that is not temporal BUT infinite. The thing inside us that knows our path and can get us there. It’s been said for countless years about the failings of each society throughout time. We need the Almighty. And not our entire society BUT individually. Because that is an individual choice that will transform each of us. It is not a group activity. It is an individual commitment to being in alignment with what the Almighty wants for our lives.

And as I have said before, God does not want you to suck at living. God is really all about you becoming the best version of you. The version that is compassionate to folks that act out violently at words and the version that is compassionate in your words to others. The version that is in alignment with living a life more abundantly. The version of you that wants to change because our change is transitory, temporal, fallible BUT the change from the Almighty is eternal, infinite, perfect. You don;t have to go searching for that change. You can find that change today.

Have the day you want. I hope you find whatever you are looking for.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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