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Be the Change no. 33

“Your beliefs are your actions. What you say is just what you think.”

Be the Change.

Folks are too distracted to care. Life is difficult for all of us, however, life is much more difficult for folks that take thinking shortcuts. Folks that let their brain take the easy way to decisions. Folks that allow their lazy brains to keep covering the same well traveled paths. BUT that difficulty is not in finding solutions to problems, because that difficulty is one of emotional difficulty.

A lot of folks are easily distracted and influenced by the powers of influence that shape the narrative displayed across media platforms. And a lot of this is simply being too distracted by all the things that look important that truly are not.

Media platforms make folks think that solutions are easy. You can drink, eat, swallow, or inject something to make things all better. You can just keep living your life the way you are. There is never a need to examine your choices. Just add this other thing to your routine and you are golden. There are countless MLMs promising that one product will make you healthy. There are countless distractions for folks to fear and fret about that do not move the needle.

I found time fourteen days ago to control my narrative. I am going to be in charge of telling my story. I am going to shorten my supply chains. I am going to be responsible for my health. I am going to decide what I fear and fret. I am going to decide what I drink, eat, swallow, or inject. I am going to make those choices for my story. And telling that story is what I do here every day.

I tell the story of a dude that got scared he wasn’t going to be able to feed his family. I tell the story of a dude that was unhealthy physically, mentally, and spiritually. I tell the story of a dude that decided fourteen days ago to stop waking up every day to survive and start waking up every day to thrive. I tell the story of a dude that wanted more. I tell the story of a dude that wanted to live abundantly.

And it has been a long fourteen days BUT here I am. Proof that it doesn’t take tons of money or a track record of good choices to make a change. It just takes action toward the direction you want to travel. What it does take is commitment to the change. What it does take is commitment to showing up every day. What it does take is doing the work.

You want to get yourself free, then get yourself free. No one is going to do that for you. No one is going to give you freedom. No one is out there defending your freedom but you. No one is out there dying for your freedom but you. You have to earn your freedom every day. You can’t outsource freedom.

So, over the next few months as things warm up, I am going to walk you through the steps I took fourteen days ago to make a change. I don’t expect you to follow my path in life. I expect you to take those examples and build your own variation. Find what works for you and make that narrative work for you. Only you can tell your story. Don’t let someone else write the narrative for you. Control your narrative?

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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