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Be the Change no. 23

"Start worrying about yourself. If you don't invest in your own life, then why would anyone else choose to invest in your life either."

Be the Change.

There is a lot of concern for how other folks are living. I sometimes even find myself wondering how a lot of people live their lives. I even find myself wondering about how I used to live my own life. BUT there is a choice to be made. Am I going to worry about the past? Am I going to worry about others? Or am I going to worry about me?

There is nothing wrong with wanting the best for your family, your friends, your neighbors, your community. There is a lot more importance when you focus that concern on yourself. THe only person you can truly change is yourself. So start putting the focus there.

We can get caught up in wanting to fix everyone else. We can get caught up in the drama of others. We get caught up in their conversations and concerns. BUT we’re not going to move the needle with concern anywhere else than in our own life.

And that concern needs to be focused on what you can change now. Not what was in your past. Not what you want to achieve in the future. Focus on what you can change today and keep moving forward. Sometimes the days are rough. They wear on me at times as well. It is not always easy to wake up and get healthy. At times it is a definite struggle. The process is a journey, an odyssey, that does not run in a straight line without any trails. We need the trails to shape our stories and our journey. Without the trials and the struggles, we would not be the changed person that moves forward. No one gets out without scars.

So, sure, life is a struggle. Anything ever worth gaining will take work. There isn’t a pill, a shot, a powder, that is going to make it any easier and, if it did, the change would not be yours. And the change needs to be part of you.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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