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Serve One Another In Love no. 11

“See that no one repays evil for evil; on the contrary, always try to do good to each other, indeed, to everyone. Always be joyful. Pray regularly. In everything give thanks, for this is what God wants from you who are united with the Messiah Yeshua” (1 Thessalonians (1 Th) 5:15-18). See that no one repays evil for evil BUT always do good to each other, everyone. I feel attacked. And I should because there was a lot of time when I was a sinner and I was out there repaying evil with evil. And there are times as a Christian when I am still out here repaying evil with evil. I may not be advocating for the evil as much anymore BUT there are still times when my heart goes to evil when met with evil. And I see it a lot too. Not just in others BUT in myself. This tendency to be evil to folks or, as I see it represented on social media and in conversations, to “mirror the respect I get”. That isn’t biblical, scriptural, or Jesus.

Jesus saw the worst in us and still came down here to make The Way. Jesus saw us, heard us, and smelled us and still decided we were worth the good. I pray regularly more for Him to change me than for Him to change the world because the only way for me to change the world is for Him to change me. You can read that again. I used to pray for a lot of things. And a lot of those things were really selfish. I would pray for my will to be done and not His. I would pray for others to change, for situations to change, for the world to change, BUT what I really need is for me to change. Prayer changes things. And the most important thing it should change is me. If prayer isn’t changing me then I am doing it wrong because I need to change.

I need to get that heart of evil replaced with a heart of love and goodness. And the only way I am getting there is through Him. So, I have to be conscious of what I am paying to people. Is it evil in its many forms or is it goodness despite the actions, the situations, and the world? Sometimes it’s the evil. And I need Him to make me more like Him. The guy that came to earth and despite how evil we can be, knew that we could also choose to be like Him. We just need His help. Some of us need a lot more of His help than others. But we all need a lot more Jesus and a lot less evil.

Serve His Kingdom by serving one another in love.

Grace and Shalom to your home. The Kingdom of God is now!

I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!

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Von Carpenter
Von Carpenter
Nov 28, 2023

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Nov 28, 2023
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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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