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Discipling the Undisciplined no. 25

“Do not give what is holy to dogs; and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under foot and turn and maul you” (Matthew 7:6). Some folks just do not want to live a righteous life. Folks make choices daily to not live like God intends. It is human nature for us to make excuses and to create a god in our own image rather than being like the God that created us in His image.

I am not the smartest person BUT I don’t have to be in order to follow Jesus. He makes it simple because He knows it needs to be simple. And despite how simple He makes it to follow Him, we still can mess it up. One of the main ways I work diligently to mess things up is by making things complicated. Jesus made it so simple when He said to love God and love our neighbors. I used to complicate that with rules and exceptions and all types of mental gymnastics. What was God really intending? Did He really mean what He said? No. He must have had all these other things in mind. He definitely meant not to love everyone. Sure. There had to be exceptions. BUT again, He makes it abundantly clear in Matthew 5-7 what His Kingdom is all about, however, I wanted to hold onto my self-created god that was just like me.

When I started to allow the simplest answers to shape who I am, I definitely started to get push back from other Christians. Tell a group of Christian men that we shouldn’t murder people in the name of any government and watch their incredulous looks at you. It definitely would make me think that I grew horns in their eyes. BUT I started to take Jesus at His Word. I mean, if I believe He is who He says He is, then I should probably believe what He tells me when He says we see the Father through Him. That whole seeing through a mirror dimly or darkly thing is what Jesus is. His life gives us such a small glimpse at God BUT enough of a glimpse to simply understand what He has for me to do. 

I understand that a lot of people don’t want God to change them too much. BUT I needed God to change me a lot. I was immersed in the idea of government solutions. I was deeply entrenched in an alternative political solution through voting in better people. I was all in for changing the system. BUT as God began to change me, I began to see what the Kingdom was all about and why it was here and folks could not see it. A lot of folks don’t want to see His Kingdom because it would mean letting go of Babylon. And Babylon creeps into us so much. We are surrounded by Babylon here, living in exile and pledging allegiance to its ways. And that is why I needed the Kingdom to change me and shape me. I needed God to make all things new. 

I see many folks trying to serve two masters all the time. Trying to walk that line of being a good Roman and a good Christian and failing. So, I decided to forget about the Roman part. I am going to be a follower of The Lamb.

Grace and Shalom to your home. 

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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