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Seek First The Kingdom of God no. 31

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not suppressed it” (Yochanan (Jhn) 1:5).

There will be a lot of scripture reading today as it is the memorial service for my mother who died last Saturday, October 7th. This is going to be a day that runs the whole spectrum of emotions and I pray that throughout it all that His Spirit moves. I don’t get worried about talking in front of groups, I do that all the time. I don’t get worried about tearing up and being emotional during the memorial because that is only expected. I just get worried that I am not going to let the Spirit move me where it wants me to move. So, I pray today that I listen to what He wants out of this service rather than what I want. I pray that everyone gets an opportunity to speak their hearts at the service. I pray that this memorial is a wonderful opportunity to show His love that was reflected all throughout her life. And I pray that the focus today is on light and love in spite and despite the plans of the enemy for darkness, anger, and sadness. He is the light of the world and my mother surely reflected that light in all aspects of her life and I pray that this memorial to her reflects His light as well.

Seek first His Kingdom which rests on the foundation of love.

Grace and Shalom to your home. The Kingdom of God is now!

I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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