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Seek First The Kingdom of God no. 3

“For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm” (Ephesians (Eph) 6:12). Working for the Kingdom means fighting a lot of lies with The Truth. And walking in His light is the only way to fight against the darkness of the world. Walking in His light is done through the foundation of loving Him and each other.

Too often we go back to our Goyim ways or conform to their ways rather than walk His Way. YHWH brings a new covenant through Jesus walking, dying, and resurrecting BUT we still want to hold on to the old ways. He has a plan for you and I in His Kingdom and that plan involves walking in the Truth and the Light. “Furthermore, we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called in accordance with his purpose; because those whom he knew in advance, he also determined in advance would be conformed to the pattern of his Son, so that he might be the firstborn among many brothers; and those whom he thus determined in advance, he also called; and those whom he called, he also caused to be considered righteous; and those whom he caused to be considered righteous he also glorified” (Romans (Rom) 8:28-30). I need to be conformed to the pattern of Jesus. That is part of His plan. And if nothing else, Jesus embodied a kind of love that I daily aspire to show. A life of service to others in order to help them become better. My battle is to help human beings by bringing them His Truth and His Light. And that means I have to leave a lot of the ways of the world behind.

In God, the means are the end. Everything in His plan moves toward His purpose. He determined in advance everything. He is always enthroned. He is always in charge. I just need to follow. I just need to obey.

Love is one thing the world has tried to corrupt that remains perfect. And having His perfect love as an example is an awesome force for change. A love that is willing to lay down my life, to take up His cross, to follow Him obediently, and to ask for more of Him within me and less of me. Because laying down my life is a lot more about killing my selfishness and idolatry than about physical death. It is a lot easier to die for a cause than to die to our self daily in His service. Seeking His Kingdom is a lot more about being selfless and loving.

Seek first His Kingdom which rests on the foundation of love.

Grace and Shalom to your home. The Kingdom of God is now!

I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!

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ed williams, jr

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