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Seek First The Kingdom Of God no. 2

“And may God, the source of encouragement and patience, give you the same attitude among yourselves as the Messiah Yeshua had, so that with one accord and with one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah” (Romans (Rom) 15:5-6). The Church should be a source of encouragement and patience. So, I should show encouragement and patience to better embody the example of Jesus. Encouraging my brothers and sisters and showing patience to them brings us into unity and glorifies God.

I am not always patient or encouraging. And that needs to be something I work towards perfecting on this side of eternity. People are frustrating, especially church people. BUT, as I often have said throughout this journey, I get to choose how I react to them because I am not enslaved to other people. I am a servant in His Kingdom and have found freedom in service to Him. So, if I am truly free, then I should be free to be patient. I should pray about my frustration. I should seek to help folks even when they are frustrating. And I should practice self control and goodness with my patience. “Love is patient and kind, not jealous, not boastful, not proud, rude or selfish, not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs” (1 Corinthians (1 Co) 13:4-5). Being patient is showing God’s love.

I need to be an encouragement in my walk with Him because folks are looking toward my example as I look toward His example. And folks need to see that walking with Him works. What kind of Ambassador of His Kingdom am I being if I am not encouraging others to find His peace, His strength, and His encouragement through my walk? When I started writing these blogs in the morning, they were a source of encouragement for myself. I needed an outlet to get my thoughts together in my journey of becoming healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually. I began sharing them a few months into the writing process because I hoped they would be an encouragement to others struggling with getting healthy. And here I am over three years later, still writing and still encouraging others that they can change their lives through the work of the Spirit. All I have accomplished in getting free is not the work of my own hand BUT through God’s guidance, strength, and encouragement.

It was difficult deciding to change. It was difficult starting to exercise. It was difficult to give up my old way of doing things. It was difficult to trust in Him. It was difficult to start a routine of prayer, study, and exercise. It was difficult to maintain that routine. It was difficult to fast. It was difficult to drink a lot of water. It was difficult to change my eating habits. It was difficult to stop drinking. It was difficult to give up my throne. It was difficult to make Him king of my life. BUT I survived each of those steps and came out free. And I know that each and every one of us can have that same freedom too. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, self control. Nothing in the Torah stands against such things” (Galatians (Gal) 5:22-23). Be patient and encouraging to others.

Seek first His Kingdom which rests on the foundation of love.

Grace and Shalom to your home. The Kingdom of God is now!

I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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