Personal Meditation No. 60
“Stop worrying about your neighbor. Their success or failure doesn’t influence yours. Start worrying about you.”
Embrace the Within.
People have been lying to each other for as long as people have lived. So, don’t believe that your neighbor has life figured out or has life better than you. Look at how much you hide from your family, your friends, your coworkers and remember that they are hiding just as much, if not more, from you.
I think that’s reason enough to stop worrying about other people and what they might think, say, or do. Let’s face it, we see a well-manicured and cultivated personality and life put forward in public and even more so on social media, well except for those folks that are a complete mess and don’t care to hide it. I applaud them. At least they’re being sincere about not having a clue. Most of us have no purpose for being alive and just fake it with pictures of our dinners and vacations.
I applaud hitting bottom. I applaud folks that make change without hitting bottom as well, however, when you hit bottom there is nowhere else to go than out or up. And so many of us are treading water somewhere between bottom and up with no reason not to go out. So, we manufacture our own fake news cycle of life. I’m great, the kids are great, the job is great, life is great, everything is great. Bull shit. No one is great all the time. Because life is a struggle no matter how much you fake that it isn’t.
So, stop worrying about what your neighbor has, thinks, or does. Most of it is for show. Nothing more than fake news. Start worrying about your purpose. Your reason for being alive. Do you have one? What makes you feel alive? What’s your purpose?
Find that clarity. Find that direction. Find your life.
I hope you find whatever you’re looking for. Have the day you want.
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