Personal Meditation No. 44
“There is a lot of value still out there in the world. Don’t let the absurd hide it from you.”
Embrace the Within.
Life is tough and even more difficult if you live around people. Because, lets’ face it, there are very few people that you can tolerate, let alone like. People do some really dastardly things and project their horrible decisions right into your path so you can stumble, trip, and fall.
There will always be folks advocating for their own enslavement. There will always be folks glorifying ignorance. There will always be folks advocating for violence. And you will eventually cross paths with these people. But that doesn’t have to change what you value. And that doesn’t have to change you.
I don’t know when I made the decision to just do what works for me and stop trying to save everyone else. I don’t know if I’ve even come to terms with that as a reality. I fight and struggle every day with me and then this compassion to help those that need the help.
It doesn’t always work out great for me. I mean my cousin threatened to kill me so maybe I’m not the best example of trying to help folks. But I’ve also got students I taught twenty or ten years ago that feel comfortable messaging and email me. And most of the time I’m learning a lot more than they are from those conversations.
So, you have to just be reflective about your journey. Thirty years ago, I was teaching folks math and physics and helping them graduate. Thirty years ago, I never thought I would do anything in the teaching arena. Thirty years later, all I am doing is learning and teaching something every day.
So maybe stop worrying about what your plans are, what the world does, and how the haters hate? Take the time to work on you?
I hope you find whatever you’re looking for. Have the day you want.
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