Personal Meditation No. 30
“It may not be your fault but it is still your problem.”
Embrace the Within.
Over twenty-two months of this nonsense and my school year that started in August of 2019 is finally going to end today. I went from any other school year to working from a computer in literally no time. I learned about online meetings and online teaching. I learned about gardening and influence. But most importantly I got on a path to health.
I didn’t shut down the economy but I had to deal with that problem. I didn’t make people scared but I had to deal with that problem. I didn’t cause shortages in the supply chain but I had to deal with that problem. And I may not be happy with how this all happened, I am still grateful for what I learned, how I changed, and where I am going.
Twenty-two months is a long time. And it would be a horrible thing to go through all the ups and downs of the past nearly two years and have not grown. If I was still arguing about politics and looking for fights, if I was still talking about freedom and not being free, if I was still stuck in a rut of clogging around in the machine, then where would be the benefit of that time?
I hope you used this time wisely as well. I hope you took stock of what was important and what matters. I hope you made some good changes too.
One more day and then I have at least two months to focus on the chicken yard, garden, and rabbit coup. One more day and a summer of reading The Hobbit and finishing a mess of other novels I picked up over the past fifteen months. One more day and then embracing the outside, embracing nature, and embracing the within.
I hope you find whatever you’re looking for. Have the day you want.
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