Personal Meditation No. 139
"You're not going to get healthy concerning yourself about what other folks are doing. You only get healthy by concern for what you are doing."
I have spent a lot of time concerned with other folks. I had concern for what they thought about me. I had concern for what they were doing. I had concern for what they were saying. I had concern for whether they thought they were better than me. I had concern for whether I thought they were better than me. I had concern for whether they cared and loved me.
I think it is quite a natural way for folks to grow up concerned about the things outside of them. We are social creatures and we are concerned about the survival of our community BUT today that community expanded way more than the basic and rudimentary requirements for surviving. Now folks live so much externally that they forget themselves.
This selflessness is celebrated in society. BUT a lot of folks are beyond selflessness. They no longer have a self to call their own. They are so given over to killing their self that the individual no longer exists. They are a collective thought. Folks have sacrificed their individuality for society. That is the contract they have decided to sign.
And we see the ramifications and repercussions of this all around society. Folks are mentally unstable and unhealthy. Folks are giving so much of themselves to external things that they no longer have a sense of who they are. Folks feel lost, without direction, under water, drowning in the noise of caring too much about things outside of them and forgetting to take care of themselves first.
Until you get yourself together, until you get yourself in a healthy place, until you can provide for your own needs, then you are not much use to other folks. You’ll only be destroying yourself in order to save another. And you’ll be teaching that same unhealthy mindset to other people. Maybe even your children.
That is why I am a strong advocate for getting your life together first before reaching out a hand to others. I wouldn’t be broadcasting this message to other folks if I didn’t feel like I had a grasp on controlling my own life. Sure, I am not perfect and I hit speed bumps as documented over the past few weeks BUT I am at a place where I have the basics under control. Now it is all about achieving mastery, becoming highly effective rather than just effective at controlling my body, my mind, my life.
And I know you can get there as well. It isn’t magic or luck or superstition or anything supernatural that got me here. It was choosing to change and putting in the work. At times I had to embrace the suck of the whole transformation BUT I got through to another level with the same choice, determination, and work that set me on this journey. And you can get there if you choose to get there too.
You’re not doing any good to anyone else if you’re not doing good for yourself first. So, work on getting your body, your mind, your life, healthy? You owe it to yourself and those for whom you care.
Have the day you want. I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.
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I love this one. I just had a conversation with my wife along the same lines and a lot of what you wrote really hit home for me. I have felt lost for a while and didn't realize just how off track and complacent I'd become in appeasing others. It's reassuring to know that we don't have to continue on that self destructive path of selflessness to our own detriment. Thanks for posting this!!!