Personal Meditation No. 130
“Your beliefs are your actions. What you say is just what you think.”
Embrace the Within
This dark early thing is really wrecking my mind. I think I need to take more Vitamin D to compensate for all this darkness. It just isn’t doing well for my mind right now.
I will get home from work and rush to get everything done just before the sun sets at five. What a change a few months makes. I was outside soaking up the sun. Spending all weekend up early and out in the garden and now I have to rush just to get any time out in the dirt before darkness falls.
Well, I am going to enjoy as much sun as I can get today and every day until the days get longer again. And I think that’s a good place to be. To recognize that the change in weather does affect our bodies and our minds and work with that idea. I know that I can’t be the only one that just feels worn out from what seems like constant darkness.
So, I’m going to keep it short today and focus on as much light as I can get today.
Have the day you want. I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.
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