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Personal Meditation No. 127

“Your beliefs are your actions. What you say is just what you think.”

Embrace the Within

I am tending toward disillusion when looking at how others act. There are few folks that are principled. Few folks that truly live their beliefs. Few folks that aren’t hypocrites in action. I hope you are coming to terms with those things in your life that are hypocritical. Those things that are antithetical to your journey. I hope you’re becoming principled in word and deed.

Folks don’t want to have more out of life. Sure, they claim they do BUT the evidence does not support those claims. The evidence supports that they want more without having to change anything in their life to get that abundance. Folks want to do the same thing and get different results than the day before. They want to get rich quick with as little effort as possible. That’s why there is an abundance of MLM and other Ponzi scheme entrepreneurs out there. Folks will easily manipulate and influence and take advantage of their coworkers, neighbors, family, and friends to turn a little easy cash. BUT that isn’t abundance. That isn’t getting more out of life. That’s being a shit human being.

Folks don’t want to take ownership for their actions. Sure, they claim they want responsibility BUT the evidence does not support those claims. The evidence supports that they want others to regurgitate what they already believe and justify their poor life choices. They want sycophants and yes men for friends that will tell them that their lives are alright just the way they are. Folks that will justify their poor behavior, justify their poor choices, justify their poor thoughts because those sycophants, those yes men, those friends are making the same poor choices as well. They don’t want responsibility for their actions. They want to hear that their shit life is not the product of their shit choices. That’s being a shit human being.

Folks don’t want truth. Sure, they claim they want truth and honesty BUT the evidence does not support those claims. The evidence supports that they value the comfort of a lie over the difficulty of the truth. This is evident in the words people use to cover up their horrible beliefs. They use terms like death penalty and abortion and war to cover over the term murder because it is easier to say I’m for abortion than it is to be honest with yourself and say I am for murder. Be honest and admit that you are for the choice that some people get to choose to murder some other people and be fine with that. Be honest and admit that you think some people shouldn’t get to make their own choices about their lives. Be honest and admit you could make better choices for them so they should listen to you. Be honest and admit you like a system, a government, a person telling you what to do so you don’t have to make those choices. Be honest and admit you want things to just be easier for you and a lot of the time that means they should just go along with your beliefs. That’s being a shit human.

And I was there. I was quite the shit human for quite some time. I wanted to make the world over in my own image. I wanted to do the same thing every day and wait for abundance to fall into my lap. I wanted to just hear that it wasn’t my fault. I wanted to hear that it was the government that was keeping me down. I wanted to have friends that didn’t call me on my bullshit. I wanted friends that were stuck in the same shit existence as me.

And it took a while to find my way out of it. No matter what tribes and groups and communities you find, there will be a lot of shit behaviors being justified by folks that aren’t ready to make changes. It is the reason we see generational poverty, family history of illnesses, gun violence, and a multitude of other problems I can’t think of right now but I am sure you can list as well. We have folks that are living less than lives getting together and convincing themselves that it’s ok. They tell each other it’s okay.

I don’t want to be okay anymore. I don’t want to sit around and wait for change to fall into my lap. I don’t wish anymore about what may happen. I make things happen.

I hope you’re making things happen in your life. I hope you are looking at that Ultimate Boon and working to get there every day. You may be on the Road of Trials right now BUT eventually you will get there because you are the hero of your own story. You get to answer the call and return changed.

Have the day you want. I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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