Personal Meditation No. 112
“It may not be your fault but it is still your problem.”
Embrace the Within.
I am starting to get concerned about the future. Maybe I’m just getting old and I have seen a lot BUT I am getting concerned about people. More and more folks want to control everything outside of their control but neglect to control the things they can change. Folks want to change others more than they want to change themselves. And that is the sign of being out of control. To be in control is to exercise authority over your own life. To be in control is to take personal responsibility and self ownership of your life. To be in control is to take your liberty and the liberty of others seriously.
All I can see, disguised as difference, are a society and a culture worried about everyone else. This concerns me because the future is looking populated with busy bodies and gossips rather than folks putting in the work. The future looks populated with people willing to talk about the actions of others while doing nothing, creating nothing of value. Maybe that is a good thing. Maybe while a lot of the world is busy focusing on mediocrity at best, those of use focused on getting better can move to the front. I don’t know how it is going to turn out BUT I know that mediocrity and sameness is not what I have planned for my life. I wasn’t created to suck.
The dumbing down of Americans is not your fault. The indoctrination of Americans to worship their government is not your fault. The creation of a consumer class ruled by bread and circuses is not your fault. The rise of herd behavior and unquestioning obedience is not your fault. The increasing numbers of rubes and marks that are easily duped into the next con is not your fault. It’s not my fault either. But it is our problem. How do we live among these people that aren’t healthy? How do we live among these people easily distracted? How do we live among these programmed people? I guess we just do.
I guess we just don’t play their games. I guess we call it bullshit when it is bullshit. I guess we point out when the emperor is naked. I guess we point out the propaganda and influence techniques. I guess we call out the logical fallacies. I guess we live a life of abundance. I guess we keep focusing on making ourselves better. I guess we show them what control truly entails.
Because as much as they want to control everyone else, those folks need to understand that the only control they have is over themselves and those of their ilk. The only control is brought on by the illusion of control they paint over the world. It’s control based upon violence and force. And good ideas NEVER require force. No coercion is necessary to get people to do what is in their best interest. The problem is getting unhealthy people to make better choices . . . And those better choices only come when unhealthy people decide to be healthy. Forcing someone to make a change only makes you their enemy. Allowing someone to make a change makes you their hero.
Go out there and be someone’s hero today by allowing them to change. Maybe it’s just a little encouragement. Maybe it’s just in living your life in control. Maybe it’s just by spreading the good word. Maye you reach one person today? One person a day is over three hundred a year and the process expands exponentially from there. Never downplay the impact of you just being free.
Have the day you want. I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.
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