Personal Meditation No. 108
“Your beliefs are your actions. What you say is just what you think.”
Embrace the Within.
I used to think that changing the world took a national platform that came with the celebrity of an important sounding job that garnered a lot of money and a lot of attention. I used to think that changing the world was a goal people had for benevolent reasons. I used to think that changing the world was a momentous task that took the cooperation of billions across space and time and culture. But changing the world for the better only involves changing yourself.
This vehicle of massive connectivity in the interwebs gives us all the chance to reach folks we would never reach in our community. This vehicle of massive connectivity allows your thoughts, my thoughts, all of our thoughts and our actions to be viewed in real-time or on-demand all over the place. So, I think it’s rather important what message I’m sending out into the ether.
There is no shortage of folks using the medium for the wrong reasons. There are plenty of scammers and carnies out there trying to turn a fast buck at the expense of the unhealthy mind. They take advantage of our vulnerability in our lizard brains that are still functioning like we’re prehistorically wired. There are also folks out there complaining like children that were told “no”. Complaining how things are not fair.
And then there are folks looking for change. Some of them are hurting. They’re reaching out for something, anything to make their lives feel not as desperate, not as lonely, not as empty. And those are the people that need to know that things can change. They need to know that they can change. They need to know that they get to choose how it’s going to change. And it may seem crazy, and it may seem unrealistic, and it may seem far-fetched at first BUT they see in your story, in my story, in our story that they can make the change.
And seeing is believing. Sure, the steps are slow. The steps are gradual. The steps are difficult. BUT the steps get you started down your path and every day you get to wake up, every moment you get to choose how this life is going to continue.
Your “Choose Your Own Adventure” novel is not finished yet. And you get to choose the path every day. BUT, you have to take the action to get you where you want to be. Because not acting in that direction is acting in another direction. And either way, it is your choice.
Have the day you want. I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.
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