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Personal Meditation No. 10

“It’s hard to love your neighbor when you don’t love yourself.”

Embrace the Within.

A lot of people are unhappy with themselves but refuse to change. I spoke and continue to speak of the rut we carve out for ourselves. Our need for consistency within that rut with our family, our friends, our peers. We hang out with unhappy people and continue to feed that unhappiness because it is all we know.

Our interactions help perpetuate the path we are on. You are a product of the people with whom you associate. And it is quite often more difficult to get rid of those unhealthy situations and unhealthy people. You can’t simply stop being around them. You might have to work with them on the daily.

So how do I break the cycle? How do I get free and healthy? You need to find a tribe of people that are getting free and healthy too. They’re there and you can find them by putting out into the universe that vibration.

Your health, your ownership, your freedom will attract those people to you. People you didn’t even know were on the same journey as you before. But, the universe will send them to you, the universe will attract them to you.

So, even when it seems like you’re the only one willing to change, please know that is not the case. On my journey, I no longer see the haters as much as I see the doers. I hear more from people asking me questions about my journey rather than folks attacking my beliefs.

This all happened because I stopped looking for the haters. I stopped putting myself around hate, stopped feeding into anger, stopped associating with people stuck in a bad place. I started talking about the good place I was building, the good place I was creating, the good place I was achieving every day. And the more I focused on my health, my life, my journey, then the more folks of a like mind I found around me.

So, today start loving yourself? Start doing what is healthy for you? Start making the change you need for your life?

I hope you find whatever you are looking for. Have the day you want.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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