People are Not Easy to Love no. 28
“So Yeshua said to the Judeans who had trusted him, ‘If you obey what I say, then you are really my talmidim , you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’”(Yochanan (Jhn) 8:31-32). If we want to follow Jesus as his students, then we will become freed by the truth. BUT do we really want the truth? People are not easy to love because they would rather hear a comforting lie than a simple truth.
I was one of those seekers of truth out there in the world. I spent a lot of time trying to find out what was really happening in the world. Why were there so many problems? What was the root of all the inequity and injustice in the world? How can we solve the problems of crime and poverty? Is there a system of a law or a rule or a philosophy that can help us be better? And I ended up right where I began . . . with Him.
I know a lot of folks are afraid of the truth because it can tell us some truly scary things about ourselves and our weakness. The truth can cut like a sword and get right through all the skin and meat to the bone. And that is why folks want to create their own lies and worship them as truth. BUT they aren’t any more true just because they are labeled truth. The Truth is the Truth. And the Truth will set you free.
Once I became convinced of The Truth, I could no longer ignore The Truth. And that is another frightening thing about The Truth. Once The Truth reveals itself to you, no longer can we ignore its veracity. And it is much easier and more gratifying to our desires to just doubt Truth. Or we can bury Truth beneath a lot of mental gymnastics and arguments. We can try as much as we want to put Truth in the grace BUT it won’t stay there. It has this habit of always finding life and spreading light.
That is the one thing about Truth, since it sets you and I free, Truth is always setting itself free as well.
Grace and Shalom to your home.
I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!
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