People are Not Easy to Love no. 26
“How blessed are those who make peace! for they will be called sons of God” (Mattityahu (Mat) 5:9 CJB). The most important thing we can do is love each other. And one way of showing love is by creating peace within our homes and our communities. People are not easy to love because they desire conflict over peace.
There is a lot of “drama” in this society of ours. “Drama” permeates the media whether fact or fiction. “Drama” permeates our communities whether Christian or pagan. I am certain we can think of several people in our lives that contribute much “drama” to circumstances and situations. BUT that isn’t how Jesus called us to live. Jesus did not walk around saying inflammatory things just to get people riled up and drive relationships into chaos. He spoke the truth and brought peace to those who were suffering. He brought comfort, joy, fulfillment, mercy, and righteousness. The only folks that experienced drama from His presence were those at odds with the truth He brought.
So, what does that say about those of us who are adding “drama” to situations and relationships? I think we need to find His peace. I hear many folks flippantly say that they, “just tell them like it is” and it isn’t their fault “if people get offended”. And I think it probably is their fault. If I truly want what is best for my neighbor, then I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize my mission of spreading His word. And oftentimes we stand behind The Bible as an excuse to be a jerk. And that is missing the forest for the trees. That is missing the point of Jesus for just putting out a biblical message.
There are a lot of things in The Bible. If you don’t believe me, then read it. BUT just because something is in The Bible does not mean it is how Jesus wanted us to live our lives. Oftentimes we overlook His perfect example as a goal and a guide because we are just people. BUT He was a person too. He might have been God as well BUT He was also a person. So, the expectation is that we should live according to His example and not the example of David or Saul or Moses or Solomon or even Paul. Those are not the perfect example. Those other folks in The Bible are flawed and broken folks that are way too often more easy to find similar than Jesus.
Folks that want “drama” need not only our prayers BUT also our better example. There is no way for me to tell you to avoid “drama” and get right down into the mud with you. Sometimes you are going to need to avoid those people until you can get yourself out of the danger of falling back into “drama”. Be wise and avoid those temptations. When we see the “drama” in any of our communities, we must be the voice of peace as Jesus intends. Folks who want “drama” filled lives are not easy to love.
Grace and Shalom to your home.
I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!
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