People are not Easy to Love (no. 10)
“But you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, recalling the people from whom you learned it; and recalling too how from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which can give you the wisdom that leads to deliverance through trusting in Yeshua the Messiah. All Scripture is God-breathed and is valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin, correcting faults and training in right living; thus anyone who belongs to God may be fully equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy (2 Ti) 3:14-17 CJB). Reading His Word is a great place to begin understanding Him. BUT we need to write His Words into our hearts, “'Therefore, you are to store up these words of mine in your heart and in all your being; tie them on your hand as a sign; put them at the front of a headband around your forehead; teach them carefully to your children, talking about them when you sit at home, when you are traveling on the road, when you lie down and when you get up; and write them on the door-frames of your house and on your gates — so that you and your children will live long on the land Adonai swore to your ancestors that he would give them for as long as there is sky above the earth” (D'varim (Deu) 11:18-21 CJB).
Sometimes people are not easy to love because they know a lot about The Bible BUT they fail to know Him.
There is no substitute for meeting someone. Relationships that are built without spending time learning about the other person fail. Western culture is showing signs of these problems daily. Marriages ending divorce, families becoming estranged, and friends losing touch are just a few of the secular symptoms of lacking depth in relationships. Another failure occurs in spiritual walks when folks end up leaving churches because of problems with their human relationships there. I was one of those folks for the longest time. I let the relationships of others get in the way of my relationship with Him. I was looking around at the quality of their relationships rather than working on mine with Him. And that was the main stumbling block that set me backward for so many years. After almost a year back in church, the one thing that changed was not all the other people there or the quality of their relationships. The most important thing that changed was my relationship with Him.
And now I can live that example that I always wanted because I take the time to learn about Him. I actually read The Bible for an understanding now rather than rely on pastors to teach me once or twice or three times a week. I actually pray more than just when I go to church. I awaken myself talking to Him and continue that conversation throughout the day until I lay down my head to bed in the evening. I can’t have a relationship built on a weekly or monthly or annually occurring event. I need to build that relationship in study, conversation, and trust. My relationship has helped shine light into the darkness of a world that is sorely missing solid relationships, “We don’t preach ourselves, but rather the lordship of Jesus Christ, for we are your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who said, ‘Let brilliant light shine out of darkness’, is the one who has cascaded his light into us—the brilliant dawning light of the glorious knowledge of God as we gaze into the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:5-6 CJB). And the more I spend my time around His light, the easier it is to reflect that light and model His light for others. As I gaze into His face by studying His time here, I can better become like Him. Like I can understand my wife after so many years of living and building together, I can understand Him by working on living and building a life with Him as well.
Sometimes we make things difficult on ourselves by pretending to know things we don’t really know. BUT God gives us all a unique opportunity to truly know Him by taking the time to build a relationship. From the first page until the last, He is looking to build with us. Walking with Him and not just storing up lore makes us all easier to love.
Grace and Shalom to your home.
I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!
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