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No King BUT Christ no. 17

“Therefore, encourage each other, and build each other up — just as you are doing” (1 Thessalonians (1 Th) 5:11). The importance of Church is encouragement. The Church is a powerful tool for goodness and righteousness in the world today if only we let His Will be done.

If you are looking for encouragement on social media then I wish you luck. Finding encouragement here is a rare and precious jewel for which I am thankful every time I discover encouragement. And I have had the pleasure of finding encouraging folks over the past three years of walking back in His Way. I have also found a lot of discouragement.

BUT our focus determines our reality. I can choose to focus on the discouragement or the encouragement. And if the Spirit is leading me, shouldn’t I be filled with its fruit? Shouldn’t I be seeking to encourage even when folks are less than encouraging themselves? How easy it is to slip into the ways of sin and death and begin reacting with the flesh? And then the Adversary wins. And, spoiler alert, He has more power than sin and death.

So, instead of slipping back into the ways of the world, “See that no one repays evil for evil; on the contrary, always try to do good to each other, indeed, to everyone. Always be joyful. Pray regularly. In everything give thanks, for this is what God wants from you who are united with the Messiah Yeshua” (1 Thessalonians (1 Th) 5:15-18). Prayer and saturation within His Word is an encouragement. The strength and encouragement I receive from Him is not for me alone. I need to share that strength and encouragement with others. Loving my God and my neighbor is not keeping His gifts to myself; love is sharing. Love is joy. Love is thankfulness. Love is unity. Love is encouraging.

God is encouragement. So, I should reflect that encouragement in my walk. God is unifying so I should reflect that unity with His Church. I am going to be an encouragement today as I show His fruit, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, self control. Nothing in the Torah stands against such things” (Galatians (Gal) 5:22-23). How about you?

Grace and Shalom to your home. The Kingdom of God is now!

I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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