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No King BUT Christ no. 16

“I pray that from the treasures of his glory he will empower you with inner strength by his Spirit, so that the Messiah may live in your hearts through your trusting. Also I pray that you will be rooted and founded in love, so that you, with all God’s people, will be given strength to grasp the breadth, length, height and depth of the Messiah’s love, yes, to know it, even though it is beyond all knowing, so that you will be filled with all the fullness of God” (Ephesians (Eph) 3:16-19). To follow The Christ is to share His encouragement, His strength, His love with others. To share Him, He needs to live in our hearts through our allegiance or trust in Him.

Too often I am not an encouragement to others. I am often too busy encouraging myself that I forget the calling to, “. . . go and make people from all nations into talmidim , immersing them into the reality of the Father, the Son and the Ruach HaKodesh , and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you” (Mattityahu (Mat) 28:19-20). I need to encourage others in their walk with Him. We are all struggling to be his talmidim in this world filled with hell. And encouragement through conversation, through affection, and through prayer allows me to help share the responsibility of His Church with others whether they are aligned with Him or not.

I need to rely on His strength and not my own. This is often a matter of whose will is being done, His Will or mine? Relying on His strength means that I have nothing else enthroned in my life that takes away from His kingship. This is important because I cannot “. . . be slave to two masters; for he will either hate the first and love the second, or scorn the second and be loyal to the first” (Mattityahu (Mat) 6:24).

I need to show His perfect love. Without Him in my heart to shape the way I think, I will not love as He loves. His love is all about bringing about His shalom on this earth. God came to earth not to send me anywhere BUT to fix the problem of sin. His Kingdom is a place of love and things on earth need to become more like He intended. “May your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven” (Mattityahu (Mat) 6:10).

I need to choose relationships. Relationship with Him transforms my relationships with others. The more I work on a foundation of love in Him, the better able I am to bring His Will, the Good News, Heaven into the hell of this world.

Grace and Shalom to your home. The Kingdom of God is now!

I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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