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How do I know I am being called?

Embrace the Hero Within.

How do I know I am being called?

Listen. If you listen closely to not only the sounds of life but the flow of life, then you will start to hear it. Does it sound like vast quantities of water tumbling over a precipice onto the rocks below? Does it sound like the gentle tumbling of leaves across pavement on a cool day? Does it sound like a loved one singing in the kitchen while preparing a meal? Does it sound like the breeze passing outside your bedroom window?

Whatever the call sounds like, the call wants you to answer. The call wants you to begin your adventure. The call wants you to embrace the change. The call wants you to become a hero.

A lot of us worry that we are not qualified to do what we are called to do. We put off getting underway in our journey because we need to know more, do more, get more first. When we get the knowledge and skills and equipment, then we will be ready for the call. BUT that is not how the call works. You do not have to be qualified to accept the call.

In church there is this saying, “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” And that is exactly the kind of mindset I am talking about needing to start your journey. You do not need the whole journey mapped out for you. You do not need to know everything in advance. You do not need to see the destination in front of you to get started. All you need is to start.

Bilbo was not ready to leave his hobbit hole and neither was Frodo. Amari was forcibly taken into bondage. Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, and Rey Palpatine were not ready to leave their planet and take a journey across the galaxy. Whether by external or internal factors, the call found each of them unprepared for their journey. You will likely feel overwhelmed and unprepared for the journey ahead of you as well. BUT know that when your journey is aligned with your call, the world, the galaxy, the universe will align with getting you to your goal.

So, how do I know what my call is? Well, you need to listen to what makes you happy. What brings you joy? What is your reason for getting up each day and doing what you do? What exists in your life that makes everything meaningful? When you find the answer to that question. The answer to what you want for your life, then you will know the direction to travel.

The majority of my life has been devoted to writing and nature. That is my focus and that is my call. I sit down every morning working through my thoughts about how nature and the world are working within me to give me a better focus on what truly matters. I enjoy the stories of folks that set out with very little figured out and transform into heroes. Heroes that bring a greater knowledge back to us from out there on the road. And the great thing about the journey to me is the internal transformation that the hero undergoes in preparation for that knowledge. The hope that each of us can transform ourselves when we align our journey with our call. As Joseph Campbell would eloquently describe the feeling, he would mention the idea to, “Follow your bliss”.

I challenge you to align your thoughts with the journey of your life. I invite you to find the things that bring you meaning, those things that give you bliss. And I challenge you to follow that bliss wherever it leads. Listen closely and you just might hear the call?

Have the day you want. I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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