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Embrace the Within no. 81

"We need to cultivate patience in the midst of our trials [knowing] that God is actively working on our behalf to bring us to a better day."

Philip De Courcy

Wisdom grows through patience because we don’t just wake up one day with wisdom. Wisdom is a process born out of being patient whether we want to be patient or not. Health, gardening, and God have taught me all about patience.

When I first started this journey back in March 2020, I wanted an immediate fix. I was on the fast track to failure and I did just that, I failed. I was determined to change my life right then. I was going to get healthy immediately. I was going to grow my own food immediately. And failure taught me patience. I wasn’t ready to change everything. God had a lot more I needed to learn. And the trials and obstacles that came into my journey helped me learn and granted me patience and the ability to listen.

Closing in on three years of deciding to change, I can look back on that me from then and that me before and realize that patience cultivated in my garden, transformed in my healthy choices, and renewed through my study of the Word led me to be able to sit here today and have the better day I have today.

None of us are walking on water. BUT we are transforming. And we need the patience to allow God to work that transformation in our lives. My walk began with fixing my physical and mental life. I wasn’t looking for God or salvation. BUT He is patient as well and works on His own time to make that change.

And now that I see all the wonderful gifts and graces and benefits and joys of following the Way of the Lord, I can sometimes get impatient with the reluctance and refusal of others to see all those wonderful presents God is willing to give. So, that patience I learned out in the garden, in the basement, and in the study are now being translated into wisdom with dealing in patience with my neighbor.

Just like my garden failed when I tried to make everything happen at once, so will my spiritual seeds fail if I rush them as well. Patience is trust. And if I can’t be patient with God after all the patience He has shown to me, then what is the point?

I have no other choice BUT to control my life and give God the God things to accomplish in His time.

Shavua tov. Shalom to your home. Bless your being. The reign of YHWH is now. Be a blessing to YHWH and others.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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