Embrace the Within no. 70
"We run for Him—for Christ’s glory and for the honor of His name. We run for the advancement of His kingdom."
Joseph M. Stowell
There is no law but the law that comes from God. This whole idea of natural law makes no sense. Nature is filled with so many wonderfully amazing and tremendously beautiful things BUT it is also touched with the brokenness and decay and death that humanity brought into the world. Nature is not immune to the imperfection that now plagues this earth in its temporal existence.
We no longer live in the Garden. We are out here wandering in the Wilderness on this side of eternity. We can see the path to the Kingdom of God before us BUT we cannot enter into that Kingdom just yet. That does not make the Kingdom of God any less real. That does not exempt me from being an ambassador for the Kingdom right now. My admittance to the Kingdom is not a prerequisite for being a representative of The Way of the Lord here in this broken place.
I am not looking to nature to get me through this journey. Nature is fallen and broken as well. BUT one day both humanity and nature will be reconciled to that Garden again. No longer will death be a part of nature’s plan. No longer will plants wither. No longer will animals be taken for food. No longer will I have to prepare my garden for winter. I might still have to tend the plants BUT I will not have to contend with weeds and frost. It’s going to be a great time on the earth that is no longer encumbered with the weight of sin and death.
I look forward to so many adventures and conversations and reunions in that world to come BUT I focus on the time at hand. The Kingdom of God is all around us. It is in the assembly of those who follow The Way of the Lord. As His representatives at this time on this earth, we are to embody the ideals of the Kingdom for all.
Maybe that is going to take some metacognitive reflection today. Some consideration on whether I am being an ambassador of the Kingdom or just someone that thinks my salvation makes me better? Am I living love for YHWH and my neighbor? Am I looking out for widows and orphans? Am I a friend to the stranger? Am I working on living His Way?
I can’t serve two nations. I don’t have dual citizenship. I am an ambassador for the Kingdom of God.
Shavua tov. Shalom to your home. Bless your being. The reign of YHWH is now. Be a blessing to YHWH and others.
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