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Embrace the Within no. 66

"Jesus gives the world the right to judge whether you and I are born-again Christians on the basis of our observable love toward all Christians."

Francis Schaeffer

I make things so very difficult when they do not have to be difficult. I make things so unmanageable and impossible when they do not have to be unmanageable and impossible. And I do that daily when I put limitations on what God can do in my life. I try to limit God to my very mundane understanding and my own temporal limitations on this side of eternity. And that is the worst disservice I can put on my own faith and belief.

There is a whole body of evidence in my past and in the past of humanity that shows there is no limitation on what God can do. I can look at the possibility of salvation as an impossibility that is made possible through God. I can look at the possibility of grace as an impossibility that is made possible through God. I can look at the possibility of redemption and atonement as an impossibility that is made possible through God. I can look at my life that, fourteen days ago, was impossibly changed from one of self righteousness and self deception to one of love and faith through God.

There are a lot of impossible things that are simply possible because of God. And I fail to see a lot of those things on the micro level of daily life when that is where the impossible is most easily and readily available. The impossibility of doing good with evil all around us. The impossibility of finding hope in a world filled with fear and doubt. The impossibility of love within a world filled with division and strife. The impossibility of overcoming mental, physical, and emotional trauma and living a life of peace. The impossibility of being broken and separated yet finding healing and restoration.

There are a lot of impossibilities that are possible every day. We are walking around carrying God’s image with us and fail to see the possibility that lies within that certainty. Nothing is impossible for God.

Shavua tov. Shalom to your home. Bless your being. The reign of YHWH is now. Be a blessing to YHWH and others.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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