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Embrace the Within no. 49

“The measure of our spirituality is the amount of praise and of thanksgiving in our prayer.” D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones This week, as many weeks, is a challenge. And it always seems like this is one of those weeks where a new obstacle appears as a quotidian reminder that life is challenging this side of eternity. Today’s obstacle is an easy one to overcome BUT some are not so easy. Some obstacles are life altering. Some obstacles switch how we carry on in Christ. Some obstacles cause questions and doubts. Some obstacles strengthen our faith and deepen our understanding. And we get to choose. That is the gift and sometimes the curse of being human. Our choices matter. And that is why some folks don’t choose. Some folks are paralyzed by choice in fear of choosing poorly. BUT our poor choices are just as important as our wise choices. If we allow ourselves to grow in trusting YHWH and His plan, if we study and seek in The Word for The Way and The Truth, if we pray and thank YHWH for all His abundance, then we will surely choose better. We will surely find whatever we are looking for. Peace to your house. Hear, O Israel: YHWH, our Elohim is One! And I will love and worship and thank and praise my YHWH, my Elohim with all my mind, with all my body, and with all my spirit (my nephesh)!

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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