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Embrace the Within no. 46

"Only when we understand that we were created for His glory can we turn life’s trials and toils into acts of worship."

  • Alistair Begg

There is a lot for which to give thanks. Sure, we can definitely find a lot of things that will give us reason to complain and doubt and think things are horrible. BUT there are so many more things for which to be thankful. I spent this weekend getting out of my comfort zone and doing things that I know the Spirit was leading me to do. And there were a lot of physical trials and mental trials over the weekend that always push my nephesh. BUT, I am not alone. No matter what I am placed among. No matter what obstacles I face. No matter what the size of the mountain or the weight of the burden, I am not alone.

I had the great opportunity to travel up to Leitersburg to see my folks and my brother. I got to drive some of the roads of my youth and stopped to take some pictures of the church I attended when I was young. I got to drive through rural Pennsylvania and get lunch in Thurmont with my daughter. I got the opportunity to work outside in the garden as I moved things round for the coming chill of fall. I got the opportunity to celebrate my upcoming birthday. I got the opportunity to visit four churches this weekend and take away something from each opportunity that my community churches have to offer. I got to do a lot and I am thankful for all those things.

Sometimes we lose focus on how many great and wonderful things are going on for us. And we forget that we don’t deserve any of those things to occur. We get so haughty and self righteous and justified because we accepted Christ’s sacrifice. BUT Christ’s sacrifice is nothing I did. I was broken. I was separated from YHWH. And only His plan allowed me to come near to Him again. I don’t deserve any of those things BUT I get to be thankful for those things.

I am thankful for all the opportunities that I get to show that I am thankful. That even though I do not deserve to have anything good happening in my life. Even though things should be going so much worse for me. I have the gift of changing my situation through Christ. I get to change my self into something new through Him.

I pray you never forget to be thankful because there is nothing we have that YHWH does not provide. There is nothing good in this life that I deserve BUT He still provides. And I think a lot more humility about what this life could be like without the new covenant is something important on which to focus. This could be like the Old Testament where the very real fear of not ever getting at one with YHWH fills their writing. Unlike the promise and hope that comes from the promise of Christ’s teachings in the gospels. Unlike the promise of this new covenant.

So, be thankful for hope, love, and grace.

Peace to your home. Bless your being. The reign of YHWH is now. Be a blessing to YHWH and others.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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