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Embrace the Within no. 39

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.”

“A debtor to mercy alone, of covenant mercy I sing.”

  • Augustus M. Toplady

God is good all the time. I just fail to see it a lot of the time. Well, at least I used to see the goodness of God a lot less than I do now. I used to have to fake being excited. It was a persona that got me through the day. Now I am no longer faking my excitement. I have a song to sing in my soul and a voice to make that song appear and a mind to focus on the joy. I get to choose to be joyful.

There is a lot of focus on happiness in society. Everyone deserves to be happy. No one deserves to be sad or depressed or anxious or worried. And that just simply isn’t the case. Happiness is my interpretation of the world around me. And if I am looking at this secular world, there is a lot to be unhappy about. When I keep my focus on God, when I look to spiritual things, when I see the goodness around me, then I have something beyond happiness. Something that isn’t based on how I feel at the moment. A joy that transcends the past, the present, and the future. I can have a joy that is constantly present.

I support what I love. I spend time learning about and understanding and knowing the things that I love. My youngest son is entirely into lore. He has to research the history and background of whatever his current favorite thing is. He wants to know that thing inside and out. And he will talk my ear off about that thing as soon as he gets my undivided attention. That is the kind of obsession we need with learning about our faith. That is the kind of passion we need for Christ.

I spend time and money and attention on the things I love. I spend time and money and attention on the people I love. I spend time learning about and understanding and knowing the people I love. I can’t build a relationship with anyone that I barely know. Relationships take time and trust and intimacy and knowledge that just doesn’t happen overnight. Relationships take time to build and only seconds to ruin.

I sing through the spirit and I sing in truth. I have a voice in my spirit to say and sing my love for God and neighbor. I have a body to daily act out of love for God and neighbor. I have a mind to consider and reflect on how to love God and neighbor better. I have a whole nephesh that needs to be aligned with those commands.

“‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself [that is, unselfishly seek the best or higher good for others].’ The whole Law and the [writings of the] Prophets depend on these two commandments”(Matthew 22:37-40 AMP).

Peace to your home. Bless your being. The reign of YHWH is now. Be a blessing to YHWH and others.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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