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Embrace the Within no. 2

“Don’t be a donut. Fill your hole!”

Embrace the Within.

Humans are composed in three distinct parts. We have a physical form, an intellectual form, and a spiritual form. And we aren’t really good at understanding any of these three components. For thousands of years humanity has been working on understanding how the physical component of ourselves works and can do very little to explain how everything works. For a few thousand years folks have also struggled with learning and thought and folks can still not quite understand where thoughts and ideas originate. For thousands of years folks have also struggled with our place within the universe and our spiritual nature yet a lot of folks think a spirit is a ball of light or ghostly form that floats around after we die.

Thousands of years, millions of books, billions of people, and still very little understanding as a group. BUT everybody has it all figured out for themself. And if you don’t, there is no shortage of advice. There is no shortage of advice on how to take care of your body. There is no shortage of advice on how to get your mind right. There is no shortage of advice for how to be spiritually well. The self help industry is a behemoth of theories, plans, and programs to help folks figure it out.

I find it’s best to find examples from our own lives of what looks like it is working and give it a try. I want to know what my friends and relatives are doing over the folks I don’t know. If I see someone is doing well, I want to know what they’re doing. I want to know how you’re cutting weight and getting in better shape. I want to know how you get all these great things accomplished. I want to know why you are happy and energetic. I want to know why your life looks aligned. I want to know from folks I can see.

I also want to know what isn’t working. And I want to know that from the same people. If your life is a mess, then I want to know what not to do. I want to avoid those problems and mistakes. I want to learn from both the good and bad examples that I encounter in life. And I want to learn from the good and bad examples in my own life. And through all that build a better understanding of what works and doesn’t.

And the examples are out there and in great supply. There are a lot of miserable folks out there tearing down folks that are doing well. Whether your life is physically, emotionally, or spiritually healthy, you will find those without that health taking the role of destroyer. Destruction is easy. Criticism is easy. Hating is easy. All those actions take very little effort or creativity. Folks barely have to move out of their seats to find fault with folks that are working on themselves.

I say let them have their fun. The best thing to do is listen to those folks with all the sincerity they deserve and just shrug or laugh them off. If they were getting things done, then you would be looking to them as an example, either a good one or a bad one. That you don’t know what they’re doing is a good indicator that their opinion of your health is truly unimportant.

Invest in your health. Use the examples in your life. Forget the opinions that are not important.

Peace to your home. Bless your being. The reign of God is now. Have the day you want. I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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