Embrace the Within no. 196
“What then [are we to conclude]? Shall we sin because we are not under Law, but under [God’s] grace? Certainly not! Do you not know that when you continually offer yourselves to someone to do his will, you are the slaves of the one whom you obey, either [slaves] of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness (right standing with God)” (Romans 6:15-16 AMP)?
Faith is an action. Hope is my confidence. I awaken every day with a choice. What am I going to choose?
Choices are really important to me in my physical, mental, and spiritual journey. I have spent over a decade preaching the good news of choices. And people are as reluctant to listen to that truth as equally as they are reluctant to listen to The Truth. Courage is choosing to change.
I am a creature of routine and habits. And three years ago I made a conscious choice to change those routines and habits to align with my philosophy. I was tired of being told what to fear. I was tired of being enslaved to fear.
And that is when I chose to make a change. And that change was not easy or simple. That change was drastic. I stopped buying into the fear and lies that the world was using to enslave me. I stopped making myself unhealthy. I chose a path to physical, mental, and spiritual health.
And that meant changing my routine. I started with the simple changes of getting myself healthy. I changed my routine to incorporate a physical routine in the morning of ten push ups and ten sit ups and some jumping jacks and such. That routine has expanded and grown over the past three years. I changed my routine to incorporate study and writing every day. That routine has expanded into prayer and studying The Bible and recording those reflections on my blog. I changed my routine to incorporate more gardening. That routine has expanded into several raised beds, trees, and a greenhouse that provide my family with healthy alternatives.
Sure. It looks like a lot now BUT it was all built on the back of making a choice. It all came from the courage of making one choice. And every day I awaken I get to make that choice. Am I going to pray? Am I going to work out? Am I going to read The Bible? Am I going to write my thoughts? Am I going to take care of the garden? Am I going to feed the chickens?
I can just as easily stop. I can stop talking to God. I can stop working out. I can stop studying His Truth. I can stop writing. I can let the garden go. I can let the animals fend for themselves.
I get to choose daily what path I am going to follow. And it doesn’t take something monumental at first. It only takes one simple choice to want to change, to want something different, to want something better. What do you want?
Grace and Shalom to your home.
I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!
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