Embrace the Within no. 122
There is so much for which to be thankful. And for all those things for which I am thankful, You deserve the glory. You allow this great creation to exist. You create a path through the way of the world to salvation through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. You have known me from the beginning. You know my walk this side of eternity and my walk beyond. I am thankful for the daily walk of sanctification that allows me to grow closer to You.
I embrace being an ambassador for your Kingdom. Let me walk as a better ambassador for Your Kingdom this week than the week before. Help me walk in the Way of the Lord better each day. I give You the authority to lead with Your Way and Truth and not my way each day.
I pray for those that are struggling with physical, mental, and spiritual suffering. I pray for the physical, mental, and spiritual health of my family and friends. In this time of renewal, let everyone find more comfort and peace in Your example. I pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ that they may grow ever closer in their walk with You. Together, let us be a beacon shining brightly to the world of what living in obedience to Your Way can accomplish. And I pray for the specific prayer requests sent my way as I walk this path. I pray for the physical health of my friend, I pray for the mental health of my friend, I pray that the confusion about walking in Your Way be made clear to my cousin, I pray for reconciliation and peace between my brother and our family, I pray for the father of my friend’s friend, I pray for the child with the health issues that he and his parents will find comfort and peace. I also ask for those requests I am forgetting at the moment that I have encountered as well. That the Spirit will bring those concerns to You as well and bring comfort to those requests. I ask all these things be done Your Way and in fulfillment of Your Will. Help them find Your reassuring Spirit. Bring them peace and comfort. I pray that Your grace and forgiveness fall upon them as they work out Your Truth.
I pray for those uncertain of the future. Those that are worrying about the situations and obstacles created in the way of the world. Help them to see that there is a Way that You provide through this broken and fallen world of humans. Give them the peace and joy that comes from Your Grace.
Forgive me for my failures. As I work out Your path this side of eternity, I am not perfect. I am working each day to become a better ambassador of Your Kingdom BUT I don’t have it all worked out. I stumble, I fail, and I fall BUT You keep allowing me time to work out sanctification through grace and peace. And I am thankful for that patience. That even though I fail You quite often, You do not stop working on making me better.
Allow me to forgive both myself and others for failing. Often I set unrealistic expectations for myself and the lives of others. We are only saved by Your grace and I can only work within the limitations of my understanding. Allow me the Wisdom and Truth to walk more in Your Way.
Thank you, Father.
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