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Embrace the Within no. 105

"What God has written he has written not for our opinion but for our obedience."

John Blanchard

I don’t get to choose what parts of the Word I follow if I am going to follow the Word. And sometimes that means struggling with aspects of God that I don’t fully understand. The great thing is that I don’t have to totally understand anyone to love them or obey them.

I don’t totally understand my wife. BUT every day I choose to love her. I don’t totally understand my children BUT every day I choose to love them. And I don’t totally understand my parents BUT every day I choose to love them. The same is with my heavenly Father and family. I will not fully understand God this side of eternity BUT every day I choose to love and obey Him.

“And it came to passe whe the Angels were gone away from them into heauen, that the shepheards sayde one to another, Let vs goe then vnto Beth-leem, and see this thing that is come to passe which the Lord hath shewed vnto vs. So they came with haste, and founde both Marie and Ioseph, and the babe laid in the cratch. And when they had seene it, they published abroade the thing, that was tolde them of that childe. And all that heard it, wondred at ye things which were tolde them of the shepheards.”

Luke 2:15-18 GNV

It’s rather certain that the shepherds did not totally understand what was going on that night. As we read about the disciples, there are many times noted in scripture where they didn’t totally understand. BUT they obeyed in spite and despite their confusion.

Life is confusing. And any number of logical explanations for human behavior is going to just lead us down a path of more questions. Relying on our understanding and the understanding of this limited mind is never going to bring us any peace or joy. I wandered down that road of philosophy and psychology for many years with only frustration and disappointment in people.

God never disappoints me. Sometimes I am confused, sometimes I am concerned, and oftentimes I am surprised BUT I am never disappointed.

“And be ye doers of the word, and not hearers onely, deceiuing your owne selues. For if any heare the woorde, and doe it not, he is like vnto a man, that beholdeth his naturall face in a glasse. For when he hath considered himselfe, hee goeth his way, and forgetteth immediately what maner of one he was. But who so looketh in the perfect Lawe of libertie, and continueth therein, hee not being a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the woorke, shalbe blessed in his deede.”

James 1:22-25 GNV

I don’t need to understand everything to obey. I can’t spend my time just hearing the Word. I have to take action. SHEMA is not just hearing, SHEMA is an action. I hear the Word and I do the Word. That is how the world will see Christ.

I can spend all my days locked away in a room reading and studying and trying to get everything perfect and just right BUT if I never take that knowledge out into the world, then what was the point. Discipleship isn’t done on Sunday, it is done daily. Discipleship isn’t reading and praying, it is applying the lessons of reading and praying. I am only the example I share. My discipleship is only as good as my actions.

So, instead of worrying about getting every little piece of doctrine worked out to perfection, which is futility, let me focus on doing what I know God wants from me. And that is to love Him and obey Him. I show that by walking in love with the world.

Grace and Shalom this week. Shalom to your home. Bless your being. The reign of the Lord is now. Be a blessing to the Lord and others.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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