“I believe in the power of you even when you do not.”
Embrace the Within.
On this day in 1996, Hulk Hogan did a really scary thing. He took a departure from the white-bread, milk-toast babyface hero of the wrasslin world and he harnessed all that he learned from that persona and flipped the wrasslin industry on its head. You never know how one little flip in perspective can change the whole world.
But that one little chance, that one little change, is the most important heel turn in wrasslin history. Hulk Hogan is nothing special. He is no more special than you or I.
But he took a chance. And you can take a chance too. What is inside you is ready for that chance too.
That one simple switch in perspective that will allow you to take the chances on yourself. You only have you to bet on in this life. Go all in?
I hope you find whatever you’re looking for. Have the nWo day you want. #WrasslinIsRealPeopleArFake