Lord Adonai in Heaven,
Wow. There is always a lot for which to thank You. I thank You for all the obstacles and challenges I faced this past week. Your Grace and Truth have helped me hurdle those obstacles and face those challenges. Allow me to focus on all the good that is within my life and the thankfulness and praise that lie beneath every kindness in my life. Let me be thankful that sicknesses, obstacles, and challenges are within your control. Let me be thankful that even though I may not see the way that You have already provided the path through. Help me, Lord, to know that there is nothing impossible when it comes to life because You alone make life and eternity possible. Allow me to be thankful for the time I have on this side of eternity to witness Your Power, Your Grace, Your Mercy, and Your Truth.
Thank you for showing me that since nothing I do matters in my salvation that everything I do matters in life. The pointless actions of a broken nephesh can never redeem my transgressions. You provided a way that relies not on my deeds BUT the sacrifice of Your Son in a plan for perfection. Thank you for providing a path to salvation and atonement that all can achieve through Your sacrifice.
Help me to remember the conversion of Saul and how you took one of the most deadly and dangerous enemies of the first century and turned his life into one of witness for Your Glory. Help remove the scales from the eyes of others as You restored my vision to see and embrace Your Way. I am thankful for the chance to move from the path of rebuker and malcontent in this world and into a testimony of Your grace and mercy. I thank you for all the understanding that I have gained through studying your Word and building a better relationship with You. I thank you for allowing that opportunity through Your Way and not my way.
I pray this week that those that are suffering from physical, mental, and spiritual weakness will find Your strength. I am thankful for the healing that awaits all of us this side of eternity. I thank You for showing me the power of prayer and the healing that can occur with faith and trust in Your power over this mortal world. And I look forward to an eternity to learn even more about You.
As I move forward with the ending of this week and the promise of a new week ahead, I ask that You look over my community. I pray for Your Church and all those that work for your glory in my community. I pray that Your Church is strengthened with resolve and commitment to spreading your love and grace to all in the community. I pray that you pour out more blessings for Your Church than they can hold. Help us all to live a life that is a beacon to those in our community and help my words and actions be a blessing to Your glory. Help us and those we meet along the way to see Your vision of the world to come, Your Truth in all those interactions. In all this I ask that it is Your way and not my way.
Hear, O Israel: YHWH, our Elohim is One! And I will love and worship and thank and praise my YHWH, my Elohim with all my nephesh!
Shavua tov. Shalom to your home. Bless your being. The reign of YHWH is now. Be a blessing to YHWH and others.