“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” —Albert Einstein
Courage is choosing to change.
For a while now, there exists a push to accept science without understanding the difference between true science and government science. On this Earth Day, I feel compelled to talk about true science and nature.
I can not overemphasize the importance of being in nature. Just being in nature itself, taking a hike, planting a seed, walking in the yard, all allow you some free therapy. Nature is good for you because you are part of nature.
Take some time to sit and observe nature and you’ll start to see connections, see patterns, see trends. Observation is the key to science. Observation is the key to learning.
Observations change and so does science. Science is never settled because nature in the nature of being natural is anarchy. There is a beauty in nature’s anarchy. There are rules in nature’s anarchy. There is a truth in nature’s anarchy. In nature you will discover or rediscover beauty, rules, and truth that one can’t get in the ordered systems of binary life.
If you want to embrace the science, then embrace the concept of sitting still and observing. You’ll probably get some well needed Vitamin D in the process. Additionally, you might even learn something scientific. Enjoy your day of earth.