“Your beliefs are your actions. What you say is just what you think.”
Embrace the Within.
Rainy days don’t change a thing. I get less done outside but I am still outside putting in the work. The work needs to get done even when the skies are overcast and the rain is falling. The work needs to get done when the winds pick up and the thunder echoes around me. The work does not stop for the weather.
Sometimes we look for what’s going on around us to give an excuse for why we can’t put in the work. Situations arise that are difficult. Situations arise that make doing the work more uncomfortable than usual. And then a decision, a choice, is made about doing the work. Will I let it slide for a day? Will I wait for better situations, better weather, better circumstances?
The weather might influence how much and what I can accomplish but it will never stop me from working. I might not be able to run my fence today but I can still drive posts. Driving posts in the rain is a lot easier than driving posts on dry ground. So, I will use the weather to my advantage. I will do what I can and move forward in spite of and despite the weather.
We all have choices to make about what we let influence our day. We get to choose if we’re going to feel defeated by circumstance or if we’re going to win the day. No matter which we choose, we will have the day we wanted because we chose that day. We chose to think, to feel, to live the day that way. Our choices determine our reality. What reality are you choosing today?
Have the day you want. I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.