The Rational Rabbit Hole no. 12
Heaven and earth [as now known] will pass away, but My words will not pass away.
Matthew 24:35 AMP
Embrace the Within.
Peace to your house. The list of outside work shortened yesterday and I am much sorer today for doing such. Everything I wore yesterday bore witness to the dirtiness and nastiness of working the garden and shortening my supply chain. I started out with just clearing the grass and such away from the spots in the yard where I began planting my lemon grass and marigolds to keep down the mosquito population around the house. Then I moved on to my least favorite and the chicken’s least favorite activity, cleaning the chicken house. I moved almost a dozen wheelbarrows full of dirty cedar chips out and then replaced with fresh cedar chips making certain to keep the nests intact and my decoy eggs in place. By this point, I was rather dirty and definitely sweaty so I moved on to the next dirty part of the process and that was cleaning the rabbit hutches. That involved hosing down and moving the hutches so that rabbit manure could get dispersed throughout the plantation. This job involved a lot of hands on rabbit shit and left me extremely dirty and smelly, however, the messiest of the work for the day was completed. This only left me cleaning the spinach, lettuce, and endive out of the garden in preparation of the beds for the next planting in August. And I was a dirty mess by the end of the process.
The thing about getting dirty is that, at first, I am hesitant to dive into getting myself dirty. I take care to do things gingerly and carefully to avoid getting dirt or shit on me. BUT after a while of working and getting steadily dirtier, that apprehension about getting dirty goes away. I am already dirty so I might as well commit to the process and get things done and stop worrying about what I get on me. So I dive in and stop caring about how dirty I am. I get the work done and just let the filth pile up. I allow the messiness of the work to overtake me as I get things done.
After the work was done, I got into a hot shower and cleaned. I even took the clothes and did my washing immediately after as well yesterday. So, when I was finished with the process, there was no sign that I had been out in the garden working hard all morning. Well, my body surely felt the signs of working and cleaning that comes with the middle of the summer. BUT there were no outward signs on my clothes or on my body that I was once covered in filth.
And yesterday I mentioned how this was quite a metaphor for life because we can sure get covered in a lot of filth. And that is the thing about getting dirty when you start out clean. At first there is apprehension about getting dirty. You’re wary of getting the tiniest speck of dirt on you. BUT once you start getting dirty, you can pick up a lot of momentum. And the dirt and filth and sin just keep piling up and getting you further away from the clean person you once were. And, just like the shower and the washing machine exist to get that dirt and filth off us, there is also a way to get all that spiritual impurity and uncleanliness off of us as well through Christ’s atonement sacrifice for us. So we don’t have to walk around dirty anymore. There doesn’t need to be a sign that we were ever dirty and filthy at all. Our body remembers the time we were dirty BUT there is nothing to show externally that we were ever unclean.
Bless your body, mind, and spirit. Have the day you want. I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.
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