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The Rational Rabbit Hole no. 11

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is [indeed] plentiful, but the workers are few. 38 So pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”

Matthew 9: 37-38

Embrace the Within.

I am seeing a lot of bitterness and anger with the government after the whole Roe vs. Wade opinion. And a lot of that anger and bitterness was prevalent on social media yesterday. I remember when I was angry at the government as well. That seems like ages ago. The time that I realized that this nation was a work perpetrated on the people. A farce of two warring factions that were both bought by the same greedy interests. That the pipe dream of a third party and change coming from politics and government was just an illusion. And it makes me happy that folks are moving to see that government is not instituted to help them. Even if it took an opinion on a court case that is misunderstood and maligned out of ignorance.

First, the opinion is based on the case Dobb vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and it is not a review of the Row vs. Wade case as it seems to be reported and purported. The opinion states simply that the Constitution does not grant a right to an abortion as it does not. You can read the Constitution for yourself if you like and it is not there. So, since the outline for how the American government is supposed to work kicks anything not assigned to the federal government back to the states, then the abortion issue goes back to the states. And there was a fear of the justices that giving people more control over their bodies would have a slippery slope of more control over their bodies to do what they deem as worse things as they state, “Attempts to justify abortion through appeals to a broader right to autonomy and to define one’s ‘concept of existence’ … could license fundamental rights to illicit drug use, prostitution, and the like.” If you didn’t know any of those things then your opinion on this whole matter, this anger and bitterness is not your own anger and bitterness. You are being manipulated. You are being manipulated to hate and anger out of ignorantly believing what others tell you. And we are all victims of that at times. We get in our own little echo chamber and like what conforms to our opinions of life and hate the opposite side. I was there hating the government too. Supporting the useless third party solutions, voting for other candidates, fighting politics with politics, all so that nothing would change in my life except getting distracted and angry at something I did not control.

I was being manipulated. And then, fourteen days ago, I started thinking differently. I started to take ownership of my freedom and stopped looking to government to accomplish these things. I had control over my own freedom. And that meant doing things differently than I had done them before. I wasn’t going to get on the internet and be angry about the government. I was going to channel that anger at myself for not doing what I should have been doing years ago. So, out of those fourteen days, I started to put myself together. I started working on my diet and my supply chain and my mind and my spirit and really take ownership of my body. The one thing those justices are worried about is “broader autonomy and to define one’s ‘concept of existence’” because it could lead to radical ideas about self ownership that would allow for horrible things like a right to prostituion, a right to use drugs, and all sorts of evil things that they see as owning your body. I have always seen a right to owning yourself as the main thing that sets people free. Sure, there are horrible things that folks can and will do when they own their bodies. They do these horrible things right now and will continue to do such. BUT there are also wonderful things that folks can do when they realize that they own their bodies. Folks can get healthy. Folks can help others. Folks can make their neighborhood, their community, their county, their state, their nation, their world better places in owning their self.

BUT, self ownership is dangerous for that reason as well. If you realize that you don’t need to vote for freedom, if you realize that your freedom doesn’t come from laws and regulations, if you realize that government gets in the way of freedom, then you start to awaken to the idea that you can do a lot better without government. And where would the Supreme Court, Congress, the White House, the alphabet soup agencies, the school system, the health department . . . . What would be the point when people who owned themselves would be able to work together. What a glorious day that will be. BUT the workers are few even though the harvest is abundant. And if you want abundance, there is going to be some work. And that work starts with and on and in you.

Bless your body, mind, and spirit. Have the day you want. I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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