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The Rational Rabbit Hole no. 10

“The Lord is [unwaveringly] righteous in all His ways

And gracious and kind in all His works.”

Psalm 145: 17 AMP

Embrace the Within.

Another day of traveling yesterday to meet up with the family and see them since I have the time over the summer and I am getting a lot better at driving long distances again. I am not a fan of leaving the house and my plantation, BUT it is important to make time for family if they are going to take the time to invite me into their home. So, it was really nice to see my aunts and uncles and cousins and parents and sister and brother after the trip up to Clear Spring this time. I am getting quite the time in Western Maryland this summer.

The one thing I have noticed is that I can feel the decades when I get to family gatherings like this because I can still remember when I was the younger one there. The one that was ready to go home while my parents just wanted to stay a little longer. My youngest was ready to go from the time we arrived BUT we managed to keep him there close to the time for fireworks. Any amount of time I get up the road right now is a blessing.

Now, I am in the middle area of life bringing the younger ones there to meet the older ones. Trying to carve out some more time with my family as long as I can. And that is one of those difficult things to start thinking about. The inevitability that those times are going to end. Those faces are going to disappear from this earth and there are going to be new traditions, new gatherings, and new people to meet while those old traditions, old gatherings, and old people are still etched into our hearts.

How much more important is faith and trust in God than at times like that? The opportunity to still be able to remember the great times of our youth and look fondly at our family and friends and the memories made. To reminisce with the people that were there and to tell the stories to those that were not and share some laughs and smiles and wonder over the majesty of life. There is so much that deserves thanks and gratitude. There is so much happiness that we overlook because we are just trying to get home and back to our lives. There is so much living we miss just trying to get back to living. The present is a present. And often times that is overlooked because there are so many other distractions out there.

I didn’t see a bunch of folks looking at their phones last night. I saw a lot of folks looking at each other, talking to each other, and being present with each other. And in this day and age where we carry our distractions around with us, that in itself was a blessing as well. And I hope that trend continues in my life as well. That my devices be subordinate to what is happening in the present.

Bless your body, mind, and spirit. Have the day you want. I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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