Serve One Another In Love no. 16
“Don’t delude yourselves: no one makes a fool of God! A person reaps what he sows. Those who keep sowing in the field of their old nature, in order to meet its demands, will eventually reap ruin; but those who keep sowing in the field of the Spirit will reap from the Spirit everlasting life. So let us not grow weary of doing what is good; for if we don’t give up, we will in due time reap the harvest. Therefore, as the opportunity arises, let us do what is good to everyone, and especially to the family of those who are trustingly faithful” (Galatians (Gal) 6:7-10). No one is more foolish than someone that thinks they are not being fooled. And I have lived that life for decades until God brought me the Truth. I was sowing a lot of things that would demand my ruin in the past. I was sowing the habits of bad physical, mental, and spiritual health. I rarely was concerned about what I put into my body, my mind, and my spirit. I was doing some good out there BUT I was going about it in all the wrong ways. I was living by the world’s idea that the ends justify the means. And I was foolish and deluded. And then God brought me His Truth. That the means are the end.
I was tired, afraid, and unhealthy when I started this journey BUT I was no longer fooled. And when someone really wants the Truth, God reveals it, “If you obey what I say, then you are really my talmidim, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (Yochanan (Jhn) 8:31-32). Knowing the Truth and then doing the Truth, however, are two distinct things. And my daily struggle is living His Truth.
Living His Truth is a struggle because it takes an entire paradigm shift of how I viewed life. I was worried about so many temporary things that were unimportant. I was worried about my feelings. I was worried about the government. I was worried about my life. And His Truth far surpasses any worldly concerns I might have. I know that. And every day I struggle to live in alignment with His Will to serve Him and to serve others. To “do what is good to everyone” is never easy BUT it is simple. It is simply following His lead and loving others more than ourselves.
Jesus loved us enough to leave Heaven and come to earth to suffer and die. Everything we own is because of God’s grace. And we get concerned about those things like we actually own them. We act like the things we own are actually ours. They all belong to Him. Our homes, our clothes, our food, our planet, are not ours . . . They are His. We are just His custodians. We are His servants. And we need to start acting like caretakers rather than landlords. He owns the deed. He created all things. We get a little to haughty and a little too worldly for our own good. We worry too much and Jesus takes time in His Sermon to address how we can worry too much about the wrong things, “Therefore, I tell you, don’t worry about your life — what you will eat or drink; or about your body — what you will wear. Isn’t life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds flying about! They neither plant nor harvest, nor do they gather food into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth more than they are? Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to his life? “And why be anxious about clothing? Think about the fields of wild irises, and how they grow. They neither work nor spin thread, yet I tell you that not even Shlomo in all his glory was clothed as beautifully as one of these. If this is how God clothes grass in the field — which is here today and gone tomorrow, thrown in an oven — won’t he much more clothe you? What little trust you have! “So don’t be anxious, asking, ‘What will we eat?,’ ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘How will we be clothed?’ For it is the pagans who set their hearts on all these things. Your heavenly Father knows you need them all. But seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Mattityahu (Mat) 6:25-33). Seek First His Kingdom and His Righteousness. Not our kingdom, not the worldly kingdoms and nations, not what we see as right, not what we feel is right . . . Seek His Kingdom. Seek His Righteousness. And He will give us ALL things. Once you have found His Kingdom, His Kingdom should change you. His Kingdom should change your whole perspective. That is kind of what the word repent means. Repentance is a total change in perspective about how we see and do things. And if we see and do things the same as the world . . . Maybe we need to repent.
Serve His Kingdom by serving one another in love.
Grace and Shalom to your home. The Kingdom of God is now!
I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!
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