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Peace to Your House no. 17

“Peace to your house.”

Embrace the Within.

Choosing enslavement is easy. Enslavement takes no thought, no action, and no change. Folks will enslave themselves to ideas that they formed as children, ideas that they were indoctrinated with, and keep these ideas all their life. There is no questioning, no searching, and no growth. My beliefs don’t require an elaborate amount of mental gymnastics, my beliefs don’t require violence, my beliefs don’t require coercion or force . . . My belief only requires belief.

And I get to choose. I get to choose whether I wake up feeling like trash or not. I get to choose whether I wake up and feed myself trash or not. I get to choose whether I wake up and fill my day with trash or not. I get to choose whether I wake up and live a trashy life or not. And for the past fourteen days, I have awoken to make the better choice.

And freedom is a lot more difficult than enslavement. There are choices I get to make and those choices mean the difference between freedom and enslavement. When my body feeds off trash, when my mind is thinking about trash, then my spirit is going to be a giant landfill. So, getting my body and mind together can only help fuel my spirit.

I used to think that I was doing all the things I needed to keep up appearances of living a good life. Everything looked good on the outside. It was a great facade. BUT until I took ownership of my whole life, my whole journey and stopped being a bystander to my own experience, nothing ever changed. I kept doing the same things. Until I started to want to change, nothing changed.

And it only takes the decision to start. And then the dedication to health is a journey of itself. And that is the choice between owning your choices and owning your life or just being enslaved to everything around you. Being enslaved to your emotions, being enslaved to the opinions of others, being enslaved to the media, being enslaved to the thoughts, being enslaved to the process of a fallen world. BUT you get to choose every day. You get to choose where this life is going. You get to choose your focus. You get to choose your journey. What thoughts, what actions, what history, what routine is enslaving you?

Peace to your home. Bless your being. The reign of God is now. Have the day you want. I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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