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One nation under God? no. 1

Righteousness [moral and spiritual integrity and virtuous character] exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people.

Proverbs 14: 34 AMP

Embrace the Within.

One nation under God? That is what the currency says. That is what the Magic Prayer says. BUT an examination of this nation shows something vastly different than what the fiat or standing pledgers recite. This nation is far from being Christian and you need not get into Torah to find how far this nation has gone astray.

We can start with the simple instructions of Christ to love God and your neighbor and find us extremely lacking. You do not need to believe me or the media to get this impression of this nation. You can simply live your life and find many examples of things that are not a service to God or neighbor. Yet this nation still purports to follow the will of God.

One nation under God? A nation that excels at caging and murder its own citizens and the citizens of other countries claims to be a nation under God. A nation building walls, calling names, hating neighbors, and dividing people rather than fostering love and teaching compassion is a nation under God. It’s beyond farcical. It’s a nation satirizing itself. It’s a nation hypocritical unto itself. And where does the blame fall?

I cannot blame the sinner. That is the nature of sin. I can only place blame with myself and my example. And that is where I must do the work. I must be a better example, a better model, a better beacon to Christ’s love. I cannot control what anyone else does. I cannot control this nation, this community, this neighborhood, or even my family. I get to make those choices for myself alone and live the best example possible. How much better can I live the message? How much better can I make those words, “One nation under God”, ring true in my own life?

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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