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Embrace the Within no. 209

“For not by their own swords

did they conquer the land,

nor did their own arm

give them victory;

rather, it was your right hand,

your arm and the light of your face;

because you favored them” (Tehillim (Psa) 44:4).

Sometimes we get so caught up in ourselves and what fabulous things we think we can do without giving the victory in everything to Him. If I succeed, then it is not because of anything I have done. All glory and honor and praise are His and not mine.

I am human. And because of that humanity I am different from all other creatures. I was created in His image and that makes me different from all the other creatures. And I can also choose to forget how great He truly is when I think that I am special on my own. When I start to believe that I created me and there is no other authority greater than me, I get a distorted view of the created world and my role within that created world.

I am only another creature and not a creator. Everything that is created was created by Him and not me. His favor is what makes me special BUT that favor does not make me Him. And I think sometimes specialness, uniqueness becomes an excuse to make ourselves equals. BUT being an image of Him is not the same as being Him. And that is why victory, glory, and honor are for Him and not me.

We do like to get things twisted up in our brain when we should be working out of our heart. And in my heart I know that I need to love Him because He is the source of all things. In my heart I know that He gives me victory daily. In my heart I know that He is in control. He is still enthroned. I am His creature. The victory is always His.

Grace and Shalom to your home.

I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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