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Embrace the Within no. 171

“'And we haue knowen, and beleeued ye loue that God hath in vs. God is loue, and he that dwelleth in loue, dwelleth in God, and God in him. Herein is that loue perfect in vs, that we should haue boldnes in the day of iudgement: for as he is, euen so are we in this world. There is no feare in loue, but perfect loue casteth out feare: for feare hath painefulnesse: and he that feareth, is not perfect in loue. We loue him, because he loued vs first. If any man say, I loue God, and hate his brother, he is a liar: for how can he that loueth not his brother whom he hath seene, loue God whom he hath not seene? And this commandement haue we of him, that he that loueth God, should loue his brother also.”

1 John 4:16-21 GNV

Another thing I have learned from starting this year reading the Sermon on the Mount is just how selfish people are. Christ makes it abundantly clear in his teaching that I need to love my God. I need to love my neighbor. I need to love my enemy. I need to love. He could not make anything more simple. My opening scripture from the letter written by John does nothing but make His command even clearer, “If any man say, I loue God, and hate his brother, he is a liar”(1 John 4:20). I can’t hate my brother and love God. So, why is there so much hate and anger?

Selfishness. It all boils down to being selfish for me. Whenever I see someone not acting in love, it is because that person wants to hold onto the self. When I do not want to forgive, when I do not want to love, when I struggle with being righteous, that struggle is always between what I want and what He wants. And when I do not want to let go of self, I am being selfish. When I do not want to forgive, I am being selfish. When I do not want to love, I am being selfish. I am letting what I want get in the way of what He commands.

Two simple commandments that sum up all the Law, love your God and love your neighbor. Simple BUT never easy. Because, “God is loue, and he that dwelleth in loue, dwelleth in God, and God in him” (1 John 4:16). I cannot be of God when I am selfishly choosing not to love for whatever reason I can invent. God does not come up with reasons to not love me. God does not come up with reasons to not love my neighbor. God does not come up with reasons to not love my enemy. God made a way for me and my neighbor and my enemy. Why am I so selfish to think that I get to be above God?

And that is what selfishness becomes. Selfishness becomes taking God of the throne and enthroning myself. Where do I get the nerve to become God? Selfishness. I look with my reason and develop my own idea of what is good. I discard His simple commands and make up my own rules. I think that I have it all figured out. I deceive myself more than Eve was deceived. And I do it all out of selfishness.

Denying my self and taking up what He wants and following Him are the only way to love. This is the only way to combat the selfishness that will constantly lead me astray.

Grace and Shalom to your home.

I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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