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Embrace the Within no. 160

“But woe (judgment is coming) to you who are rich [and place your faith in possessions while remaining spiritually impoverished], for you are [already] receiving your comfort in full [and there is nothing left to be awarded to you].

Woe to you who are well-fed (gorged, satiated) now, for you will be hungry. Woe to you who laugh now [enjoying a life of self-indulgence], for you will mourn and weep [and deeply long for God].

Woe to you when all the people speak well of you and praise you, for their fathers used to treat the false prophets in the same way.”

Luke 6:24-26 AMP

Judgment is coming for me. I am going to have to make an account of what I have done. And if anything says works matter, there is just that simple fact that one day I am going to have to stand before my Lord, my Saviour, my King and make an account of all that I have done with the grace and love and abundance that He has given me.

If I place my hope in things, if I live the fat cat lifestyle, if I live in self-indulgence, if folks praise me, then I have already received my reward here on earth for my choices. So, I shouldn’t be looking for another reward. I shouldn’t be hopeful for a, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” I shouldn't be expecting a, “I am well pleased.”

Christ allows us to choose our level of commitment. We can choose not to trust and obey. We can choose to trust. We can choose to obey. We can choose to trust and obey. We can choose where we take our level of involvement. We can choose what our “Yeah, BUTs” are. I can “Yeah, BUT” my way right out of an eternal relationship with the Creator.

“Yeah, BUT” it isn’t a sin to . . . And it also isn’t obedience and trust. It also isn’t what He wants. “Yeah, BUT”ing is the new legalism. It’s looking at the Word like a set of rules to get what you want from God. “Yeah, BUT”ing is treating God like a list of dos and don’ts and not a relationship that is supposed to get deeper and stronger. I am to want to learn more about Him because He already knows everything about me.

I pray that I don’t look for my reward now. I pray that I work to build a better relationship with the Lord daily. I pray that I don’t let my “Yeah, BUT”s hinder my relationship with the Creator that I am here to represent as an Ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven. I pray that each day my relationship with Him grows stronger and deeper in understanding and action.

I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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