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Embrace the Within no. 150

“So then, in everything treat others the same way you want them to treat you, for this is [the essence of] the Law and the [writings of the] Prophets.

Matthew 7:12 AMP

The Golden Rule is what we teach to children very often even if we are not Christian folks. I always tell my students that we don’t hurt others and we don’t take their things because the Golden Rule is a little less concrete and requires a lot more empathy for those around us if we don’t have the heart of Christ. And I can’t assume that those around me are trained in loving God and their neighbor. So, I give some concrete applications to what the Golden Rule entails. We don’t hurt people or take their things. And it always sounds so simple, so basic, so easy that I constantly get reminded how difficult these simple rules Christ has given us are to implement at all times.

And a lot of the problems with treating others with love is that there are many folks out there that do not love themselves. Some folks want to be treated poorly to justify their choices in life. It’s the self-fulfilling prophecy idea of having a life where folks don’t love you because you treat others poorly. So, sometimes, folks make it extremely difficult to love them. BUT I love them anyway.

I can be threatened. I can be verbally abused. I can be ridiculed. I can be treated all sorts of horrible ways by heathens. BUT I still need to obey the Lord and still treat them with love. If I let my self get in the way, if I let my self feel hurt by their words and actions, then I am letting my self worth trump my worth of God. I don’t matter. I have to get out of my own way and just love in spite and despite how I get treated by others. I can only control my choices in these situations. And I need to only look to the Lord when these situations get too big and too difficult. I need the Spirit within me to take control.

Why don’t I treat others with love? What is it I don’t like about people? Why do I want to avoid people? Why do I find loving my neighbor so difficult? Why do I allow other people to control my decisions? Why do I get in the way of following the Way of the Lord? Why do I constantly fail to live up to His simple rules for me to follow in obedience? Why am I having such a difficult time?

I pray that my heart be the heart of Christ. I pray that my heart is no longer hardened BUT circumcised to show the love of Christ to all. I pray that I live selflessly when giving love to my neighbor. I pray that I let the Spirit take control when I get tempted to get in the way of loving like Christ. I pray that He shines through me as a light into the world with my words and actions today.

I love you. I forgive you. Have a blessed and abundant day!

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ed williams, jr

I got tired of looking for places to place blame and others to fix my problems. I hope you find some of what you're looking for here as well.

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